Although I live with a bread nazi, this same man also is a fabulous cook. And he has more than able assistants, namely our sons. Here is Mel turning these massive veal shanks, in our beautiful French casserole (how did we live without that for all those years?)
Don't you love how he is wearing his workman's overalls while cooking? He's also a great handyman. Am I lucky, or what? Also lucky for having that walk-in pantry you can see in the background.
Hallo there, may I introduce myself?
We have many things in common - a man who is a good cook and who cooks in work clothes (mine is a builder by trade); our first name; a love of Japanese gardens (wonderful movie, thanks. I have just sat entranced); a love of libraries (my trade); a long marriage - 37 years for me.
You are ahead of me in blogging, and slightly in age! Gives me hope!
which will take you to The dewy path (on japanese gardens, early days yet)
From one Val to another: we are both interested in worthy things, and lucky too (having men who cook). Keep up your blog, Val!
Men who cook are rare jewels indeed. If they clean up after themselves they're up there with the Gods!
Aren't we lucky women?!
Ah, the cleaning up afterwards. Well, he's not too bad in that department, but he doesn't throw out things as he goes along, causing such unnecessary clutter. But I ain't complaining!
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