It's a mini tripod for my camera which my husband gave me. It will make many shots that I do with the delayed exposure SO much easier. How many times have I had to perch the camera directly on an uneven rock, and then had to rest my face against the rock or other even less friendly surface, to set up a photo?

The teapot set was given to me by my mother in law. The teapot can rest on top of the cup to keep the tea warm. And it comes complete with a tea bag coaster.

My sons gave me a birthday card...for someone who has just turned 100!! This is their idea of a joke and is so typical of our family's silly sense of humor. I love it!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the world's youngest Centenarian. I guess you start to get younger now?
Sounds like your having a wonderful day and your men are treating you right royally.
Big birthday hugs coming your way.
Happy 100th!
From your photos you hardly look a day over 90.
Have a happy, happy day. You look fabulous for 100...
Happy Birthday Val!!!!
I hope it was a wonderful day :)
What happened to the top of your head - it seems to be missing, or are you just floating on air?
very Happy Birthday to you
and I love that teapot .Hope you had a wonderfull day. I will return to read more of your posts
Best wishes for a special ladyon her special day! I see Australia has had an influence on you by your choice of tea as a beverage! I love the brits! Anyway, happy birthday and many more!
Happy 100th birthday dear Val!! Wow, those years really crept up on you! Yep, you look great for your age :) Those boys think they're so funny, don't they? That's a huge cupper! And there you are in your doona jacket :)
I LOVE that little tripod. What a great idea! I think I'll put one of those on my wish list.
Hope you had a blast and really did pop a cork on a good bottle of wine :)
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday dear Val!!!
Happy Birthday to You!!!
and many more....
I loved the card idea...I'm going to have to use that sometime!!
Happy Birthday Val,
You certainly carry your age well!
Have a lovely day and may the year ahead be filled with every blessing!
Happy, Happy Birthday! A camera and a teapot are wonderful birthday presents, and a family with a sense of humor crowns it all. (Be sure to get them back good!)
Happy Birthday Val!!! And be sure you take a picture for the Guinnes Book of World Records, because you are the youngest looking 100 yr.old I know. *LOL* In fact you really don't look a day over 50...(I'm green with envy).
What a cute little tripod. I need one of those too.
And that teacup must hold 2-3 cups of tea at once.
Humor is what keeps us young Val...And now that you're retired you'll have plenty of time to come up with something funny for payback on that card.*LOL*
BIG HUGS for your birthday from me to you,
Sandy :)
Thank you all for your "kind" birthday greetings! lol
Well, as I was reading your commnets, laughing the while, I thought: With friends like these, who needs enemies? heh heh
We did have champagne last night, but just a glass, as we also wanted a glass of red wine with our dinner. One thing about getting older is that you can't eat and drink as in younger days, or maybe I'm just more sensible now?
I love my little tripod. The legs can bend and the camera can be aimed at any angle. It's light and can fit in a small bag, or even a pocket if you're wearing those oh so practical cargo pants.
The cup is indeed a large one. Wish I had had it when I was working as our tearoom was at the other end of the library on another floor.
I forgot to mention that the boys edited the sweet message inside the card to make it nasty sounding. You should choose the recipient of such a card wisely!
I wish you a wonderful year full of dreams come true.
Happy Birthday my dear new blogger friend!
Yes I see your children have a way with them but do they make 101 cards for next year??? <^..^>
lots of hugs for a great lady!
Oh sure, NOW I find out it's your birthday!!! Check my blog tomorrow, I'll have a belated best wishes post for you:-) I love to aknowledge all my friends' birthdays that way!! Sounds like you had a great day and I love the card...my family tends to have the same kind of humour! lol Happy Birthday dear Val and all the very best to you!!!
Dear Val ~~ I have got behind in reading etc but a day late, I would like to wish you a really great birthday and many
Happy Returns (maybe up to 100) Glad you had a good day my friend. I am not game
visit Bizarre Bazaar as I am a great
clutterer I have good intentions, but never seem to clear much out. I still owe you an e-mail. Take care Val and
enjoy your gifts. Love, Merle.
'Happy Birthday' Val. Sorry I'm a little late. Love your teapot & cup. I had a similar one bought for me. Marion
Happy (late) birthday (sorry !!).
Hope it was a magical day.
Have a great weekend.
Take care, Meow
Hey, what's this?! I've missed your birthay, waaaaaa.....
Belated Happy Birthday Wishes to you dear Val...I hope it was a wonderful day.
Love your pressies, and I had a chuckle at the birthday card your boys gave you..heh heh.
A Very Happy Birthday, Val!
Sorry my belated congratulations!
I wish to you all the best!
I love all your gifts!
(((Many hugs)))
awww.. can't believe I missed your birthday... sorry, but guess what? My older sister Roberta's birthday was the 16th August, my mother was the 20th... I believe Leo females are the strongest women in the world - I wonder why I think that (heheee).
Revenge for your boys - if you are 100 - what year will their next birthday cards celebrate? MY son, aged 41, hates to be reminded of how 'old' I am...
Happy birthday Val - I too love your tripod!
Good thing I checked the comments here - I haven't received any email notification so that probably means that they've bounced back to you. Sorry about that! Grrrrr...
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