Saturday, February 10, 2007

So, now I'm on the new Blogger...

...and I didn't have a choice! When I went to do a post (because Peter made me feel guilty about not having a new post when he visited today - thanks Peter!), I was FORCED to switch to the new Blogger NOW!

Ok, so it really only took less than a minute (gee, what does that say about my blog?), but I wasn't ready. What if something weird happens, and of course I've never made a copy of my blog on a cd. Ok, so I've had a peek and it still looks the same, the blog AND this post form. One thing is different though, and that is I can now apply labels.

Great, just when I was thinking I'm not posting because I'm not sure people would be interested, and then I'm prompted to put in labels! However, that activity is very related to a librarian's work, so I suppose I'll get used to it, despite being retired. Oh, did I mention that I'm retired? heh heh

Well, here goes. I'll press the publish button and see what happens...


Peter said...

Ye of little faith Val, I seem to recall telling all and sundry how simple it is.
Re footy, nah if you live in Queensland you support the Lions, before coming to Qld. I lived in Geelong for a few years so became cats supporter.
BTW the label is to describe the post category (you will be able to view all the posts under the label of , say, humour which can make finding a certain post a lot easier) rather than the very broad label of new blogger retired.

Peter said...

Oh and I meant to mention if you go to customize then fonts and colors you can very easily make your template look quite different, I used your template when setting Margaret's site up have a look, Margaret on my sidebar if you don't know her.

DellaB said...

Hi Val... that Peter!

I am SO resisting the move, I hope they don't force me. Not because I am worried, I've seen lots move now very successfully, but I want to research first, I don't want to have to do things I don't want to do - like labels, I don't like those, and never use them when I'm visiting - hehee - I sound like a grumpy old woman, I just don't like change I guess.

Peter, I support Port and Lions, in whichever order is ahead at any given time. I have seen Port play, but never yet the Lions.

Val said...

I remember you saying how easy it was, but then there were all these other people with a litany of woes. As for the labels, which in librarian speak are subject headings, well, I couldn't think of anything more fitting for that post than "new blogger", and "retired" was just for fun. So I guess this means I have to go back and look at all my posts to assign them labels? In librarian speak that might be called "retrospective cataloguing". Hmmm, not fun!

That's EXACTLY what I didn't want, to be forced to do something. I found it quite scary to all of a sudden not have access to my blog unless I switched! You don't have to do labels though.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Me too! I was forced to switch to the new Blogger, but fortunately all is OK! Good luck to you!

Susie said...

Glad to see you survived. I actually like labels! I don't put them on my sidebar however. I also like the drop down archive option. Wish I could do that with by sidebar list.
I think overall you'll like this...

Carole Burant said...

So you survived the switch too eh? lol I held out until one day they forced me too...I held my breath, thinking my whole blog was going to disappear into cyber space!! I haven't used their Customize thingie yet, though, because I'm happy with the way my blog looks and don't want to lose all my links and everything which apparently happens! Hugs xox

John Cowart said...

So. You're the one who did it; you pushed that button Down Under and here in Florida I was forsed to transfer to New Bogger also.

That's criminal! In two years I hadn't learned how to make old blogger work yet. Now I'm totally lost and the only clever label I can think of for my stuff is "Today's Blog". And that handsome photo of me dissappered So nobody will ever swoon again.

Sorry, I get carried away when forsed to do anything.

Annette said...

Good for you! Now I can comment on your blog again.


Val said...

Sue, dropdown archive option? I'll have to check that out. But like Pea, I am happy with my colors and template look, so I won't fiddle too much. John fortunately has regained his profile photo and all looks well at his blog too. Annette, I'm sorry you couldn't comment, not that there was much to comment on lately. I had trouble commenting on other blogs, sometimes had to resubmit and word verify three times.

Jeanette said...

Hi Val Im another that was forced to new blogger. and im happy going along as is I havent tryed customize either while blogs working ill leave as it is. Take Care Go Tigers!!!

Granny said...

I put it off until blogger locked me out and I had no choice. Then I asked a friend to do it for me.

She did and she's still tweaking it a bit (because she enjoys doing it).

So far, no problems but I shudder to think of what might have happened if I tried it myself.

Kerri said...

Well, I'm glad I switched when I did so I wasn't forced. I copied my template into a Word document first. The "customize your template" isn't a big can choose the same template and all stays the same, but with the change adding links and things is so much easier. The only things that you lose are bits and pieces that you might've added to your sidebar, e.g. I added a clock and "I'm a Daffodil". I just copied the html code and pasted it back into my newblogger sidebar.
It's good to see you posting Val!

Gwen said...

Hi Val..
I have also made the change and find it ok.
Talk again soon..